Keep Our Schools STRONG

Los Gatos High School

Saratoga High School
Los Gatos and Saratoga High Schools are known to be among the most prestigious public high schools in the state and nation, keeping our community and property values strong. Local students and teachers succeed in large part thanks to locally controlled funding that has directly benefited our neighborhood schools for the past decade.
Now funding is set to expire unless we support measure A.
In funding received, Los Gatos and Saratoga High Schools rank dead last. High schools in Palo Alto, Mountain View, Los Altos, Santa Clara, Cupertino and Sunnyvale are able to provide higher teacher salaries because their Districts receive more public funding.
That’s why we need Measure A — to renew our local funding and ensure local teachers don’t leave for higher paying districts. Keeping skilled, experienced, and dedicated teachers in local schools is imperative to protecting quality education.
Join us in passing Measure A for local students!
Measure A needs a 66.7% YES vote in order to pass – so every vote makes a difference! Los Gatos and Saratoga students are counting on us to keep excellent teachers and award-winning academic programs in local schools.